How do you do bookkeeping for a construction company?

Construction bookkeeping has its unique challenges due to the nature of the industry. As a construction company, you need to keep track of your finances accurately to ensure your projects remain profitable while complying with tax regulations. Efficient bookkeeping for construction requires specific strategies and best practices that cater to your business needs.

This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about bookkeeping for construction companies. From setting up your books to tracking income and expenses, managing invoices and payments, handling payroll and taxes, job costing and project tracking, utilizing construction-specific software and tools, collaborating with your accountant or bookkeeper, and analyzing key financial reports.


Key Takeaways

  • Construction bookkeeping requires specific strategies tailored to the industry’s unique challenges.
  • Setting up a solid foundation for your financial records is crucial for efficient construction bookkeeping.
  • Effective tracking of income and expenses is essential for accurate financial reporting and decision-making.
  • Timely and accurate invoicing and payment management are vital for positive cash flow in a construction business.
  • Handling payroll and taxes can be complex in the construction industry due to factors such as employee classification and prevailing wage requirements.

Setting up your construction company’s books

Setting up a bookkeeping system is essential for any construction company to manage its finances effectively. With a solid foundation, you can organize your financial records, establish budgets, and implement proper record-keeping procedures. The following are some essential steps to follow when setting up books for your construction company.

Organizing your chart of accounts

A chart of accounts is a list of all the accounts used by your company to track transactions. It categorizes all transactions into different accounts based on their nature. It is crucial to organize the chart of accounts based on the specific needs of the construction industry. The chart of accounts must include accounts for different types of expenses such as material costs, labor costs, and equipment costs. It should also have separate accounts for revenue from different sources such as contracts, change orders, and retainage. Properly categorizing transactions will enable you to get an accurate view of your company’s financial performance.

Establishing a budget

A budget is a financial plan that outlines your company’s estimated income and expenses for a specific period. Budgeting is crucial for construction companies as it provides a framework for allocating resources, monitoring performance, and making informed business decisions. When creating a budget, consider all expenses associated with a project, including materials, labor, equipment, and overhead costs. It is also essential to account for unexpected expenses that may arise during the project.

Implementing proper record-keeping procedures

Proper record-keeping is essential for monitoring your company’s financial performance. It is recommended to use accounting software that can automate bookkeeping procedures, such as data entry and reconciliation. Storing financial records electronically is also advised as it minimizes the risk of losing important documents. Ensure all receipts, invoices, and purchase orders are stored systematically and can be easily accessed for auditing purposes.

Implementing these steps will enable you to set up a solid bookkeeping system for your construction company. It will provide you with a clear view of your financial performance, enabling you to make informed business decisions.

Tracking Income and Expenses

Tracking income and expenses is a critical component of construction bookkeeping. Accurate and timely recording of revenue and costs ensures you have a clear understanding of your financial position and can make informed decisions.

Firstly, you should establish a system for recording and categorizing your income and expenses. This system should be tailored to the unique needs of your construction company, and should include appropriate categories for tracking revenue and costs related to specific projects or job sites. This can help you monitor profit margins and identify areas of inefficiency.

One effective method for tracking construction income is through progress billing, which involves billing clients incrementally as work on a project is completed. This allows for steady cash flow and ensures you are paid for the work you have done, while also providing a clear record of revenue.

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For managing construction expenses, you should maintain detailed records of all costs incurred, including materials, labor, and subcontractor expenses. This information can be used to analyze job costs and profitability, and to identify areas where costs can be minimized.

In addition to tracking income and expenses, it’s important to manage cash flow effectively to ensure your construction company remains financially viable. This involves forecasting future income and expenses to identify potential cash shortfalls, and implementing strategies to optimize cash flow, such as negotiating favorable payment terms with clients and subcontractors.

tracking construction income and managing construction expenses

“Accurate and timely recording of revenue and costs ensures you have a clear understanding of your financial position and can make informed decisions.”

Overall, effective tracking of income and expenses is essential for successful construction bookkeeping. By implementing a structured system for recording and categorizing financial information, and proactively managing cash flow, you can ensure the financial health and long-term success of your construction company.

Managing invoices and payments

Effective management of construction invoices and payments is critical for maintaining a healthy cash flow in your construction business. In this section, we will explore strategies for optimizing your invoicing and payment processes, while minimizing delays and payment disputes.

Issuing invoices

Creating accurate and timely invoices is the cornerstone of effective construction invoicing management. Make sure your invoices contain all relevant details, including the project name, date, description of work, and project manager’s name. Also, make sure to include a unique invoice number, payment terms, and contact information.

Using construction-specific invoicing software can streamline your invoicing process, reduce errors, and speed up payment processing. Here’s a list of the top construction invoicing software:

SoftwareKey features
QuickBooks for ContractorsJob costing, progress tracking, AIA billing, and payroll management.
CoConstructScheduling, time tracking, change orders, and client approvals.
JobFLEXEstimates, quotes, invoices, and payment collection.

Make sure to select the construction invoicing software that best meets your needs.

Tracking payments

Tracking payments is essential for managing your cash flow and minimizing the risk of late payments. Use a construction accounting software like QuickBooks or Sage 50, to automate your payment tracking process.

You can also use spreadsheets to manually track payments. Create a payment log that includes the invoice number, payment date, payment amount, payment method, and the current payment status.

Managing collections

Effective collection management is critical for maintaining a positive cash flow and avoiding payment disputes. Proactively follow up with clients on payment due dates, and send out reminder emails or letters for late payments.

It’s also important to be aware of construction lien laws, which allow contractors to place a lien on a property if a payment dispute arises. Make sure to consult with a construction attorney to ensure that you are in compliance with state lien laws and regulations.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this section, you can optimize your construction invoicing and payment processes, minimize delays and payment disputes, and maintain a healthy cash flow in your construction business.

Handling Payroll and Taxes for Your Construction Company

Payroll and taxes are integral components of any business, but they can be particularly complex in the construction industry. Employee classification and prevailing wage requirements can make construction payroll processing cumbersome. Additionally, complying with tax obligations and minimizing risks of penalties or audits can be challenging for construction companies.

Here are some steps for managing payroll and taxes for your construction company:

  1. Proper Classification: Ensure that employees are classified correctly as either employees or independent contractors to avoid costly tax penalties. Use the 1099 form for independent contractors and Form W-2 for employees.
  2. Payroll Compliance: Ensure that your construction company is meeting all payroll compliance regulations, including proper record-keeping and on-time payment of wages.
  3. Appropriate Deductions: Deduct appropriate taxes and withholdings from employee wages, including federal, state, and local taxes.
  4. Timely Filings: File tax forms on time, including employment tax returns and other required forms. Late filings can result in costly penalties.
  5. Understanding Tax Credits: Take advantage of tax credits and deductions that are specific to the construction industry, such as the Research and Development Tax Credit.

Partnering with a construction accountant or bookkeeper can also be helpful in managing payroll and taxes for your construction company. They can provide expertise and support in navigating complex tax regulations and payroll compliance requirements.

Construction payroll processing image

“Proper record-keeping and timely filings are crucial for avoiding penalties and ensuring compliance with payroll and tax regulations for construction companies.”

Implementing job costing and project tracking

Job costing and project tracking are vital components of construction bookkeeping. Accurately allocating costs to construction projects helps to assess profitability and make informed business decisions. It involves tracking progress, identifying project expenses, and analyzing financial performance on a project-by-project basis. Effective project tracking requires meticulous record-keeping and proper allocation of costs.

Construction Job Costing

To implement job costing for construction projects, you need a comprehensive understanding of direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are expenses that can be directly tied to a specific project, such as labor, materials, and subcontractor costs. Indirect costs, on the other hand, are expenses that are not directly attributable to a specific project, such as overhead expenses, insurance, and equipment rentals.

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To calculate direct costs, create a job cost sheet that tracks expenses by project. The sheet should include the project name, project number, and a breakdown of direct costs. By tracking expenses on a job cost sheet, you can analyze financial performance and identify areas for cost reduction.

Indirect costs should be allocated to projects based on a predetermined rate, such as a percentage of direct costs or based on a specific allocation formula. This process ensures that all indirect costs are accounted for when determining the overall profitability of a construction project.

Project Tracking in Construction

Effective project tracking requires the use of sophisticated software tools that enable real-time collaboration and communication between team members. Project tracking software should have a user-friendly interface that allows project managers to track progress, assign tasks, and monitor timelines.

Utilizing cloud-based project tracking software allows team members to securely access project information from any location, making it easier to stay up-to-date on project progress and monitor costs. It also enables real-time communication between team members, which helps to reduce the risk of errors and delays.

Cost Allocation for Construction Projects

Cost allocation is the process of assigning costs to specific activities or projects. In construction, cost allocation is essential for tracking project expenses and ensuring that costs are accurately reflected in financial reports.

One common method of cost allocation for construction projects is activity-based costing (ABC). ABC involves identifying the activities that contribute to project costs and assigning costs to these activities based on their usage. For example, if a project requires significant excavation work, the costs associated with this activity would be assigned to the excavation phase of the project.

Structural work$20,000
Roofing and siding$7,500
Interior work$12,500
Total Costs$65,000

By accurately allocating costs to construction projects, it is easier to evaluate profitability and identify areas for improvement. Proper cost allocation also helps to ensure that project budgets are accurately reflected in financial statements, enabling more informed business decisions.

Utilizing Construction-Specific Software and Tools

Technology has revolutionized bookkeeping for construction companies, with a range of construction-specific software and tools available to improve accuracy, streamline processes, and optimize financial management. Whether you are a small contractor or a large construction firm, utilizing these tools can provide significant benefits and give you a competitive edge.

Bookkeeping Software for Construction

Construction bookkeeping software provides a comprehensive toolset for managing your construction company’s finances. The software is tailored to the unique needs of construction companies, including job costing, project management, and contract compliance. Some of the best construction bookkeeping software on the market today includes:

QuickBooksA popular choice for small to mid-sized contractors, QuickBooks offers features such as job costing, time tracking, and payroll management.
FoundationFoundation is a comprehensive construction accounting software suite that includes features such as estimating, project management, and job cost accounting.
ProContractorProContractor is a cloud-based construction management software that provides features such as accounting, project management, and job costing.

Using construction bookkeeping software provides real-time data, simplifies complex financial information, and eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Construction Accounting Tools

The construction industry requires specialized accounting tools to manage the unique nature of construction accounting. One of the most important tools for construction accounting is job costing software, which allows for easy tracking of direct and indirect costs associated with specific jobs or projects. Other useful construction accounting tools include:

  • Payroll management tools
  • Invoicing and billing software
  • Document management tools for tracking contracts and change orders
  • Financial reporting and analysis software

These tools can provide detailed insights into your construction company’s financial performance and enable you to make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information.

Technology for Construction Bookkeeping

Advancements in technology have made it easier than ever to manage your construction company’s finances. Mobile applications, cloud-based software, and digital payment processing tools are just a few examples of technology that can streamline construction bookkeeping processes. Some popular technology tools for construction bookkeeping include:

  • Mobile apps for tracking expenses and receipts
  • Cloud-based document storage for easy access to financial records
  • Digital payment processing for faster payment and improved cash flow management
  • Online banking tools for account management and fund transfers

By embracing technology, you can improve your construction bookkeeping and financial management processes, freeing up time to focus on growing your business.

Collaborating with your accountant or bookkeeper

Effective collaboration with a knowledgeable construction accountant or bookkeeper can be a significant boost to your business’s financial management. The unique needs and complexities of construction bookkeeping require specialized skills and expertise that go beyond traditional bookkeeping practices. In this section, we will explore the benefits of working with an experienced construction accountant or bookkeeper and provide tips for establishing a productive working relationship.

Working with a construction accountant or bookkeeper

A construction accountant or bookkeeper can provide a wide range of services to support your financial management, including:

  • Setting up and maintaining your construction company’s books and records, including payroll, billing, and project costs
  • Providing guidance and support on complex tax issues and compliance requirements, such as prevailing wage regulations
  • Assisting with financial planning, forecasting, and budgeting
  • Offering insights and analysis to support strategic decision-making
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When choosing an accountant or bookkeeper for your construction business, look for someone with experience working with similar companies in your industry. They should have a solid understanding of construction accounting principles and be up to date on the latest regulations and compliance requirements.

Establishing a productive working relationship

To make the most of your collaboration with an accountant or bookkeeper, it’s essential to establish a productive working relationship. Here are some tips:

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Establish regular communication channels to stay informed and up to date on financial matters
  • Provide timely and accurate information to your accountant or bookkeeper to ensure they can deliver high-quality services
  • Be open and transparent about any challenges or issues that may arise, so your accountant or bookkeeper can provide appropriate support and guidance

By working closely with an experienced construction accountant or bookkeeper, you can gain valuable insights into your business’s financial management, optimize your bookkeeping and accounting processes, and make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. Consider reaching out to a qualified professional today to see how they can support your construction company’s financial success.

Key Financial Reports and Analysis

Understanding your construction company’s financial reports is essential for evaluating performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions. Here are some key financial reports to consider:

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet provides a snapshot of your construction company’s financial position at a specific point in time. It lists assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity, and helps you understand your company’s liquidity, solvency, and profitability. By analyzing changes in your balance sheet over time, you can assess whether your construction company is growing or experiencing financial distress.

Income Statement

The income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement, summarizes your construction company’s revenues, expenses, gains, and losses over a specific period. It provides insight into your company’s profitability and can help identify areas where costs may be too high or revenue streams could be expanded. By analyzing your income statement, you can also determine your company’s gross profit margin, net profit margin, and return on investment.

Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement shows the cash that flows in and out of your construction company over a specific period. It provides insight into your company’s liquidity and ability to pay debts and expenses. By analyzing changes in your cash flow over time, you can determine whether your construction company has sufficient cash reserves to maintain operations and make investments.

Profitability Analysis

Profitability analysis involves evaluating your construction company’s financial performance in relation to its revenue, expenses, and assets. This can be done by calculating financial ratios such as return on assets, return on equity, and gross profit margin. By analyzing profitability ratios over time, you can assess your construction company’s overall financial health and identify areas where performance can be improved.

In conclusion, understanding and analyzing your construction company’s financial reports is essential for business success. By regularly reviewing and interpreting key financial data, you can make strategic decisions to improve your company’s financial performance and achieve long-term profitability.


Effective bookkeeping is a critical component of any successful construction business. By implementing the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you can streamline your operations, optimize financial management, and boost profitability.

Remember, setting up a solid foundation for your financial records, tracking income and expenses, managing invoices and payments, handling payroll and taxes, implementing job costing and project tracking, utilizing construction-specific software and tools, collaborating with your accountant or bookkeeper, and analyzing key financial reports are all crucial steps to take.

Keep in mind that construction bookkeeping is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires attention and diligence. By taking control of your construction company’s finances and making them a priority, you can pave the way for long-term success and sustainable growth.


How do you do bookkeeping for a construction company?

Bookkeeping for a construction company involves setting up a solid foundation for financial records, tracking income and expenses, managing invoices and payments, handling payroll and taxes, implementing job costing and project tracking, utilizing construction-specific software and tools, collaborating with an accountant or bookkeeper, and understanding key financial reports and analysis.

What are the best practices for setting up books for a construction company?

The best practices for setting up books for a construction company include organizing the chart of accounts, establishing a budget, implementing proper record-keeping procedures, and organizing financial records appropriately.

How can I effectively track income and expenses for my construction company?

To effectively track income and expenses for your construction company, you can use methods such as recording construction income, tracking project expenses, and managing cash flow to ensure accurate financial reporting and decision-making.

What strategies can I use for managing invoices and payments in my construction business?

Timely and accurate invoicing and payment management are crucial for maintaining positive cash flow in a construction business. Strategies for managing invoices and payments include issuing invoices promptly, tracking payments, and managing collections to optimize accounts receivable and accounts payable processes.

How should I handle payroll and taxes in the construction industry?

Payroll and taxes can be complex in the construction industry. To handle payroll and taxes effectively, it is important to understand factors such as employee classification and prevailing wage requirements. Additionally, compliance with tax obligations and minimizing the risk of penalties or audits are essential.

What is job costing and how can I implement it for my construction projects?

Job costing is the practice of accurately allocating costs to construction projects and tracking job progress. Implementing job costing involves methods such as cost allocation for construction projects, project tracking, and analyzing financial performance on a project-by-project basis.

What construction-specific software and tools can I use for bookkeeping?

There are various construction-specific software and tools available to streamline bookkeeping processes. These tools can automate tasks, improve accuracy, and enhance overall efficiency in managing your construction company’s finances.

How can collaborating with an accountant or bookkeeper benefit my construction business?

Collaborating with a qualified construction accountant or bookkeeper can bring invaluable expertise to your financial management. Professionals specializing in construction bookkeeping can provide guidance, ensure compliance, and offer insights to optimize your construction business’s financial performance.

What are the key financial reports that I should analyze for my construction company?

Key financial reports that you should analyze for your construction company include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Understanding and analyzing these reports is essential for assessing the financial health of your construction business and making strategic decisions.

What are the benefits of effective construction bookkeeping for my business?

Effective construction bookkeeping streamlines operations, optimizes financial management, and boosts profitability for your construction business. Implementing the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide can help you take control of your company’s finances and pave the way for long-term success.

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